Pascan Aviation

A Pascan Aviation Saab 340B at Montréal Saint-Hubert Longueuil Airport. Photo: F/O Samuel Gagnon (Pascan Aviation)
At A Glance
Pilots joined ALPA: 2023
Number of pilots/flightcrew members: 26
Pilot bases: Montréal, Qué.
Hubs/key markets: Québec, Ontario, and Newfoundland and Labrador
Headquarters: Longueuil, Qué.
Operations: Pascan provides scheduled flight service to eight destinations and charter services in Québec, Ontario, and the Maritimes from its primary hub at Montréal Saint-Hubert Longueuil Airport.
Fleet: 1 BAE Jetstream 32 and 7 Saab 340s
Since joining ALPA in August 2023, Pascan Aviation pilots have been steadfastly working toward a fair contract, determined to improve conditions for all pilots. A significant milestone in their journey has been the recent election of new MEC officers, with Capt. Eric Duquette stepping in as temporary chair and interim captain representative alongside F/O Matéo Merchan as temporary vice chair and interim first officer representative.
Despite ongoing bargaining, a fair deal is still out of reach. Last September, prior to the election of the new MEC officers, the company presented a proposal that offered substantial pay increases for captains but left first officers with only nominal pay adjustments. This offer, which failed to equitably address the needs of all crewmembers, was firmly rejected by the pilots, underscoring their stance on inequality and the need for improved working conditions.
The newly elected MEC responded with a new, inclusive proposal to raise standards for all of the pilots. However, the company’s lack of meaningful engagement in negotiations has become increasingly evident. As the pilots press forward, their call for a fair contract grows louder, underscoring the need for the company to commit to a comprehensive dialogue to bring about real improvements.
Established in 1999, Pascan Aviation is based in Montréal, Qué., and offers scheduled flight service to eight destinations and charter services in Québec, Ontario, and the Maritimes.