Leadership From the Flight Deck

By Capt. Dan Adamus, ALPA Canada Board President

In yesterday’s federal elections, Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada won a decisive victory. On behalf of the ALPA Canada Board, we congratulate Canada’s next prime minister and look forward to working with our new government in furthering our mission as a forceful advocate of the airline piloting profession.

Among our top priorities for this new government is the repeal of several anti-labour laws, including C-377 and C-525, both of which would adversely affect labour unions, including ALPA.

Categories: Advocacy, Events, International
Tags: Canada

Today, I joined Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx and various stakeholders in announcing the launch of a new task force assigned to streamline a registration process for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).

As the operators responsible for flying passengers and cargo, pilots are hyper-focused on ensuring the safety of our aviation system, including the safe integration of unmanned aircraft systems into the national airspace. 

Categories: Events, Safety

Today, ALPA is excited to announce the launch of “Ask a Pilot” - a new reoccurring segment of the union’s blog Leadership from the Cockpit.  

Through this new segment, blog followers can submit aviation-related questions for a chance to have it selected for posting on Leadership from the Cockpit, along with a response from one of ALPA’s airline pilots. 

How to participate? 3 Simple Steps:

1) Send your aviation-related questions to

2) Type “Ask a Pilot” in the subject line of the e-mail.

3) If selected, one of our pilots will respond to your question in a future “Ask a Pilot” segment.

Categories: Ask a Pilot

The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) recent announcement that it will support an interim ban on all cargo shipments of lithium batteries on passenger airliners at an upcoming International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) meeting is promising news, but ALPA urges the FAA to strongly advocate its position at ICAO’s Dangerous Goods Panel, which is slated to meet later this month. Moreover, the United States must go further by fully regulating lithium battery shipment by air and implementing packaging restrictions and quantity limits on passenger and all-cargo aircraft.

Currently, lithium-ion batteries can be carried in all quantities as cargo on passenger and all-cargo flights. In its draft comment summary prepared for the ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel Twenty-Fifth Meeting to be held October 19–30 in Montreal, the U.S. government states, “At this time, we feel it is necessary to support an interim prohibition on the carriage of lithium ion-batteries as cargo on passenger aircraft to ensure that the risk is mitigated while we continue to aggressively pursue development and implementation of the performance-based standard for air transport.” The FAA’s position came in response to recommendations submitted by First Officer Mark Rogers, ALPA’s former director of the Dangerous Goods Program and current IFALPA Dangerous Goods Committee chairman and ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel member.

Categories: Advocacy, Safety, International

From ALPA International to all our friends, members, and staff in Canada: Happy Thanksgiving! This weekend, as we join our Canadian colleagues to reflect on how and why we are so fortunate, we should be grateful for the generations of pilots who came before us who established and built this great union. Their legacy is ours to defend and build upon, not only for ourselves but for future generations of airline pilots.

Our union was founded on the core principle of democracy, and the achievements we have made over the decades have been through the ability to choose, solidarity, and plain hard work.

It seems fitting this year that Canada’s advance polling for the upcoming elections falls during the Thanksgiving holiday. For airline pilots who will be flying on October 19, Canada’s official Election Day, this weekend (October 9-12) provides the opportunity to participate in the democratic process at local electoral districts across the country.

Categories: Events
Tags: Canada