Air Line Pilots Association Scholarship Program Terms
Eligible Applicants
**Children of medically retired, long-term disabled, or deceased ALPA pilot members are eligible to apply.**
Although the program envisions the selection of students enrolling as college freshman, eligible students who are already enrolled in college may apply. Students must be enrolled in a program of studies principally creditable toward a bachelor’s degree.
One four-year undergraduate college scholarship is awarded each year. The total value is $60,000, with $15,000 disbursed annually to the recipient for four consecutive years, provided that adequate academic standing is maintained (3.0 GPA).
Acceptance Criteria
Applications must be received by April 1. The ALPA Vice President–Administration/Secretary and Vice President–Finance/Treasurer are responsible for selecting the recipients by July 31 of each year.
InstructionsAll sections of the application must be completed and received by April 1 of the year for which college entrance is planned. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Part 1: Application for Scholarship (includes essay)
Part 2: Financial Statement
Part 3: Secondary School Report (includes secondary school principal or guidance counselor evaluation)*
*Applicants enrolled in college must submit an official transcript of all college courses and grades received to date in addition to Parts 1 and 2 of the application, a high school transcript, and two letters of recommendation. Part 3 of this application is not necessary for current college applicants.
Policies and Procedures
A. COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITYThe candidate must be enrolled in an institution accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or approved by a state department of education, or a state university.
The student must be enrolled in a program of studies either wholly or principally creditable toward a baccalaureate degree.
Recipients will be required to maintain a 3.0 (B) grade point average during each semester or trimester throughout their academic program. Failure to meet this academic standard will prompt review by the Scholarship Review Committee of the recipient’s continued eligibility for the scholarship.
The student must be enrolled in sufficient courses to be considered a full-time or regular student as defined by the institution in which they are enrolled, or they must take sufficient supplementary or summer school courses to be able to complete at least one-fourth of the academic requirements for a bachelor’s degree during each calendar year.
A student receiving ALPA scholarship funds who, after a hearing by the appropriate body of the institution, receives a disciplinary suspension or censure for violating the institution’s codes of conduct shall forfeit any future funds payable under the program.
- The institution, when possible, or the student shall furnish the Vice President– Administration/Secretary of the Association with an official transcript of the student’s grades upon completion of each semester or trimester of work. The student shall also report to the Vice President–Administration/Secretary any academic credit earned by successfully completing an examination or any other means.
- The student shall notify the Vice President–Administration/Secretary in writing and as soon as possible of any intention on the student’s part to transfer from one institution to another, to change their major course of studies, or to take any other action which might delay the awarding of the baccalaureate degree.