Release #: ATI 24.03
June 24, 2024

ATI Pilots Held Informational Picket at Dayton Air Show

DAYTON, OHIO—On Saturday, Air Transport International (ATI) pilots, represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA), stood together to demonstrate to management their resolve in achieving a market-based contract that will allow ATI—the largest air carrier for Amazon in the world—to attract and retain pilots. The ATI pilots conducted the informational picket at the Dayton Air Show, which was sponsored by parent company Air Transport Services Group (ATSG). The pilots’ goal was to raise awareness among air show attendees, primarily aviation enthusiasts, that a career as a pilot at ATI is getting increasingly difficult as ATSG management fails to recognize the value they bring to the overall success of the airline.

“Four years in negotiations for a market-based contract is unacceptable and it’s driving our hardworking, experienced pilots from ATI at an alarming rate,” said ATI ALPA Master Executive Council chair Capt. Mike Sterling. “ATI pilots consistently deliver profits and excellent performance, yet ATSG continues to fail to deliver us the contract we deserve.”

ATI and ALPA have been in contract negotiations for more than four years and in mediation since 2023. ATI and ATSG have not made any meaningful progress on big-ticket issues, including compensation and retirement.

Sterling continued, “ATI pilots showed up this weekend because we are disappointed and frustrated at the slow progress from management. We hope the future pilots inspired by this weekend’s Dayton Air Show begin careers in an industry where every airline values the skill, experience, expertise, and dedication of professional airline pilots.”

Founded in 1931, ALPA is the largest airline pilot union in the world and represents more than 78,000 pilots at 41 U.S. and Canadian airlines. Visit or follow us on Twitter @ALPAPilots.


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