August 22, 2016

Guardians of the Jumpseat: Protecting a Vital Resource

The Air Safety Organization’s Jumpseat Forum and Council meeting convened under the leadership of Captain Rich Odbert (FedEx) on Monday in an effort to share ideas on protecting access to and authority over this resource.

The meeting discussed updates to ALPA’s Jumpseat Guide, and reiterated the robust protections governing pilot-in-command authority.

Captains Cap Perkins (Hawaiian), Rob Fernandez (Delta), and Scott Bienz (JetBlue) held a lively roundtable discussion on jumpseat etiquette, discussing topics from differing policy/procedure manuals between air carriers, including how to handle issues before, during, and after “jumpseaters” enter the plane.

“We have a great program that is of value for all airlines,” said Capt. Perkins, remarking this will be his last Forum. “But to produce three simple documents—your pilot certificate, medical, and photo ID—is not too big a hassle compared to the loss of the privilege to all of us. Make it easy for us and others to insure that ‘no pilot is left behind.’”

Fernandez pointed out the importance of a flight crew knowing who’s jumpseating—regardless of their seat assignment—as they are a possible resource in the event of an in-flight emergency, saying it’s worth “making the walk” to personally meet any jumpseating pilots.

The panel also discussed changes and additions to the “new hire” briefing and guide and the review and maintenance of the Cockpit Access Security System.

Capt. Joe DePete (FedEx), ALPA’s first vice president and national safety coordinator, also spoke to the Forum. He shared a personal jumpseat story of how he had to make a tough choice, and how others supported his decision.

Tuesday’s meeting discussed jumpseat issues in Canada and throughout the world, and other security matters. To learn more, visit
