Release #: 17.22
May 25, 2017
ALPA Awards Presidential Citation to Spirit Airlines Capt. Daniel “Eric” Tellmann
Honored for Commitment to Pilot Assistance
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, at the Air Line Pilots Association, International’s (ALPA) biennial Pilot Assistance Forum, Spirit Airlines Capt. Daniel “Eric” Tellmann was recognized with a Presidential Citation Award for his efforts to address aircraft air quality issues.
Capt. Tellmann organized the Spirit Airlines Environmental Standards Committee and helped collect vital data from various pilot reports. Through those efforts, and in close collaboration with Spirit management, he assisted in the development of a checklist and training materials for crews to quickly recognize and respond to aircraft air quality issues.
“Capt. Tellmann’s approach to helping his fellow pilots—and his dedication to providing support—has been a tremendous resource to our members,” said Capt. Tim Canoll, ALPA’s president. “It is an honor to recognize this outstanding ALPA volunteer who has selflessly dedicated his career to protecting the health of his colleagues.”
Through his exemplary efforts at Spirit, Capt. Tellmann has gained attention from fellow pilots as well as the aviation industry. Currently working with ALPA pilot groups at Alaska/Virgin America, FedEx, Frontier, Delta, and United, as well as flight crewmembers at Southwest and American, he is assisting with tracking and developing fume mitigation procedures at each carrier. Additionally, he has been assisting both Spirit and the manufacturing industry in the development of a new cabin air filtration system to better eliminate airborne chemicals that could potentially cause passenger and crewmember health issues.
“Capt. Tellmann’s work to protect pilots from fume events has created long-lasting effects throughout our industry,” said Capt. Stuart Morrison, chairman of the Spirit Airlines unit of ALPA. “All of us at Spirit ALPA are grateful for his efforts and pleased to see his volunteerism, selflessness, and passion for safer air quality recognized by the Association and his fellow pilots.”
Founded in 1931, ALPA is the largest airline pilot union in the world and represents over 57,000 pilots at 33 U.S. and Canadian airlines. Visit the ALPA website at or follow us on Twitter
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