U.S. Government Leaders Can Still Save Pilot Jobs

As the effects of COVID-19 continue to be felt across the United States, ALPA pilots remain on the front lines, sounding the alarm and calling on government leaders to extend the CARES Act Payroll Support Program. So far, ALPA pilots have sent 320,000 letters and e-mails, written 120,000 tweets, and made more than 2,000 phone calls—all urging Members of Congress from both parties as well as the administration to deliver on their pledge to help the airline industry get to the other side of this pandemic.


ALPA pilots have shared their personal stories and been featured on the Today Show and CNBC, detailing a stark reality about the airline industry’s state and its impact on hundreds of thousands of aviation workers and the U.S. economy. 


Despite the government’s inaction to provide economic airline relief, ALPA continues to work to save pilot jobs and those of frontline aviation workers. Join us and take action today—call your senator, tweet, or send a letter to make your voice heard on Capitol Hill and tell them the U.S. and global economy cannot fly without airline pilots.


Visit www.alpa.org for further information on issues affecting today’s pilots.

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