Now is the time: We need your call to #DenyNAI

Airline passengers and air cargo shippers must act now to defend fair competition in the U.S. airline industry. U.S. aviation workers need your help to call on the U.S. government to deny Norwegian Air International’s (NAI) application to establish what would be the U.S. airline industry’s first flag-of-convenience business operation. Designed to avoid Norwegian labor, regulatory, and tax laws to give the airline an unfair leg up in competing with U.S. airlines, the model would conflict directly with the U.S.–EU Air Transport Agreement.

More than 200 Members of Congress have written to the Department of Transportation, calling for a rejection of NAI’s business model. A bill has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that has garnered nearly 120 cosponsors.

All the entities, including NAI, that have responded to our objections to DOT’s tentative decision to approve NAI’s application have completely failed to rebut ALPA’s legal and factual assertions. Given a fair hearing, ALPA is confident that our reasoned, fact-based position will prevail—but we need your help.

More than 18,000 ALPA members and 10,000 non-ALPA members have reached out to the administration calling on it to enforce our agreements and #DenyNAI. We need a louder drumbeat than ever now. Won’t you join us today? Please take the time now to tweet @POTUS, @WhiteHouse, and @USDOT. You can use this tweet or write your own. U.S. aviation workers need you to act for fair competition today!

Categories: Advocacy