U.S. Aviation Workers Sue Obama Administration to Reverse DOT’s Norwegian Air International Decision

ALPA filed a lawsuit today to overturn the Obama administration’s unfathomable decision to permit Norwegian Air International (NAI) to fly to and from the United States. As part of the continuing efforts to reverse the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) misguided ruling that will negatively alter the future of the U.S. airline industry, ALPA and several other U.S. labor groups representing more than 100,000 aviation workers filed a petition for review of DOT’s decision in the U.S. court of appeals. 

Together with our union partners, U.S. aviation workers have stood shoulder-to-shoulder in the fight to thwart the efforts of NAI’s flag-of-convenience scheme. Despite our urgent calls to “deny NAI,” which outlined exactly how this airline undermines U.S. jobs and sets a precedent for others to follow, the Obama administration has opened the door for foreign companies with an anti-labor scheme to jeopardize our jobs and the U.S. international aviation industry. 

This important issue should have been resolved in the favor of U.S. industry, and until the decision is reversed or NAI’s business model is changed, we will not back down. Today’s filing reaffirms our collective pledge to fight for what is right for U.S. workers. 

For updates on our continuing efforts to protect our industry and our jobs, visit alpa.org.

Categories: Advocacy, International