Code of Ethics
The tenets of this Code shall apply to all members without regard to gender.
An Air Line Pilot will keep uppermost in their mind that the safety, comfort, and well-being of the passengers who entrust their lives to them are the Pilot’s first and greatest responsibility.
- They will never permit external pressures or personal desires to influence their judgment, nor will they knowingly do anything that could jeopardize flight safety.
- They will remember that an act of omission can be as hazardous as a deliberate act of commission, and they will not neglect any detail that contributes to the safety of their flight, or perform any operation in a negligent or careless manner.
- Consistent with flight safety, they will at all times operate their aircraft in a manner that will contribute to the comfort, peace of mind and well-being of their passengers, instilling in them trust in the Pilot and the airline they represent.
- Once they have discharged their primary responsibility for the safety and comfort of their passengers, the Pilot will remember that they depend upon them to do all possible to deliver the passengers to their destination at the scheduled time.
- If disaster should strike, they will take whatever action they deem necessary to protect the lives of their passengers and crew.
An Air Line Pilot will faithfully discharge the duty they owe the airline which employs them and whose salary makes possible their way of life.
- They will do all within their powers to operate their aircraft efficiently and on schedule in a manner that will not cause damage or unnecessary maintenance.
- They will faithfully obey all lawful directives given by their supervisors, but will insist and, if necessary, refuse to obey any directives which, in their considered judgment, are not lawful or will adversely affect flight safety. They will remember that in the final analysis the responsibility for safe completion of the flight rests upon their shoulders.
- They will not knowingly falsify any log or record, nor will they condone such action by other crew members.
- They will remember that a full month's salary demands a full and fair month's work. On their days off they will not engage in any occupation or activity that will diminish their efficiency or bring discredit to their profession.
- They will realize that they represent the airline to all whom meet them, and will at all times keep their personal appearance and conduct above reproach.
- They will give their airline the full loyalty which it is due. If they feel it necessary to reveal and correct conditions that are not conducive to safe operations and harmonious relations, they will direct their criticism to the proper authorities within ALPA.
- They will hold their airline's business secrets in confidence, and will take care that they are not improperly revealed.
An Air Line Pilot will accept the responsibilities as well as the rewards of command, and will at all times so conduct themselves both on duty and off as to instill and merit the confidence and respect of their crew, their fellow employees and their associates within the profession.
- They will know and understand the duties of each member of their crew. If in command, they will be firm but fair, explicit yet tolerant of deviations that do not affect the safe and orderly completion of the flight. They will be efficient yet relaxed, so that the duties of the crew may be carried out in a harmonious manner.
- If in command, they will expect efficient performance of each crew member's duties, yet they will overlook small discrepancies and refrain from unnecessary and destructive criticism, so that the crew member will retain their self-respect and cooperative attitude. A frank discussion of minor matters of technique and performance after the flight will create goodwill and a desire to be helpful, whereas sharp criticism and peremptory orders at the moment will only result in the breakdown of morale and an inefficient, halting performance of future duties.
- An Air Line Pilot will remember that theirs is a profession heavily dependent on training during regular operations and, if in command, will afford their flight crew members every reasonable opportunity, consistent with safety and efficiency, to learn and practice. The Pilot will endeavor to instill in their crew a sense of pride and responsibility. In making reports on the work and conduct of their crew members, the Pilot will avoid personal prejudices, make their reports factual and their criticisms constructive so that actions taken as a result of their reports will improve the knowledge and skill of their crew members, rather than bring discredit, endanger their livelihood and threaten their standing in the profession.
- While in command, the Air Line Pilot will be mindful of the welfare of their crew. They will see to it that their crew are properly lodged and cared for, particularly during unusual operating conditions. When cancellations result in deadheading, the Pilot will assure that proper arrangements are made for the transportation of their crew before they take care of themselves.
An Air Line Pilot will conduct their affairs with other members of the profession and with ALPA in such a manner as to bring credit to the profession and ALPA as well as to themselves.
- They will not falsely or maliciously injure the professional reputation, prospects or job security of another pilot, yet if they know of professional incompetence or conduct detrimental to the profession or to ALPA, they will not shrink from revealing this to the proper authorities within ALPA, so that the weak member may be brought up to the standards demanded, or ALPA and profession alike may be rid of one unworthy to share its rewards.
- They will conduct their affairs with ALPA and its members in accordance with the rules laid down in the Constitution and By-Laws of ALPA and with the policies and interpretations promulgated therefrom. Whenever possible, they will attend all meetings of ALPA open to them, and will take an active part in its activities and in meetings of other groups calculated to improve air safety and the standing of the profession.
- An Air Line Pilot shall refrain from any action whereby, for their personal benefit or gain, they take advantage of the confidence reposed in them by their fellow members. If they are called upon to represent ALPA in any dispute, they will do so to the best of their ability, fairly and fearlessly, relying on the influence and power of ALPA to protect them.
- They will regard themselves as a debtor to their profession and ALPA, and will dedicate themselves to their advancement. They will cooperate in the upholding of the profession by exchanging information and experience with their fellow pilots, and by actively contributing to the work of professional groups and the technical press.
To an Air Line Pilot the honor of their profession is dear, and they will remember that their own character and conduct reflect honor or dishonor upon the profession.
- They will be a good citizen of their country, state and community, taking an active part in their affairs, especially those dealing with the improvement of aviation facilities and the enhancement of air safety.
- They will conduct all their affairs in a manner which reflects credit on themselves and their profession.
- They will create and foster an environment of inclusiveness through equity and equality, so that the diversity of our members can be harnessed to collectively enhance our union and profession.
- They will not discriminate, harass or otherwise disparage another member because of their unique authentic identities. They will condemn and not use oppressive, hateful, and bigoted language. The pilot will not exhibit behaviors and actions that are unfitting of an ALPA member as written in the ALPA anti-discrimination/anti-harassment policy.
- They will remember that to their neighbors, friends and acquaintances they represent both the profession and ALPA, and that their actions represent to them the conduct and character of all members of the profession and ALPA.
- They will realize that nothing more certainly fosters prejudices against and deprives the profession of its high public esteem and confidence than do breaches in the use of alcohol.
- They will not publish articles, give interviews, or permit their name to be used in any manner likely to bring discredit to another pilot, the airline industry, the profession or to ALPA.
- They will continue to keep abreast of aviation developments so that their skill and judgment, which heavily depend on such knowledge, may be of the highest order.
Having endeavored to their utmost to faithfully fulfill the obligations of the ALPA Code of Ethics and Canons for the Guidance of Air Line Pilots, a pilot may consider themselves worthy to be called . . . an airline pilot.