Leadership From the Flight Deck

This Sunday, November 4, marks the end of daylight saving time (DST). It’s the time of year to set your clocks back one hour before going to sleep on Saturday (extra hour of sleep!). But take it easy in Arizona, Hawaii, and some parts of Canada—these areas have ditched the practice and follow the same clock year-round. 


When it comes to our nation’s airspace, there are really only two end-users of this valuable resource—pilots and air traffic controllers. Each day, these professionals work collaboratively to ensure that millions of passengers and thousands of tons of cargo move safety and efficiently through North America’s airspace. 

Categories: Safety
Tags: NextGen

Yesterday, during ALPA’s 47th biennial Board of Directors meeting in Washington, D.C., the union’s highest governing body elected new officers to lead the Association for the next four years. They will take office on January 1, 2019.


Did you know that only 6 percent of airline pilots are women? With 50 percent of the world’s population being female, we clearly have some work to do to add some balance to our profession.


As Canada celebrates Thanksgiving on October 8, ALPA is thankful for our more than 5,100 Canadian members and their dedication to the airline pilot profession. They—as all 60,000-plus ALPA members do—work year round to ensure that the traveling public and packages get safely and securely to their destinations. 
