Leadership From the Flight Deck

All around the globe, and across the Internet, customers are busy purchasing (and shipping) holiday gifts. Whether a trinket from a small business on Main Street or the hottest tech gadget from a large online retailer, chances are good that is was shipped by air. FedEx alone sees an average of 14 million shipments every day, but during the holidays, that number doubles (and that’s not even including other major shipping companies that also transport cargo across the world, as well as all the cargo that passenger carriers carry). 

Categories: Safety

Tis the season for gift giving, family dinners, and ugly neckties and sweaters . . . and let’s not forget the outdoor light displays! High-tech light and laser displays are increasingly popular and accessible, and our senses (and sensibilities) are bombarded with dazzling displays of light coordinated with the Die Hard soundtrack (yes, it’s a Christmas movie). But did you know that these high-tech displays put airline pilots (with your family and packages on board) in danger? 

Categories: Safety
Tags: Lasers

As millions of passengers rely on air travel this holiday season to visit family and ship gifts around the globe, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recently launched a new campaign, “Pack Safe,” to raise awareness of the dangers associated with packing hazardous materials in carry-on and checked baggage. ALPA is proud to be a key partner with the FAA on this new campaign that provides detailed information on how passengers can safely travel with certain items that are considered to be hazardous if packed improperly.

Categories: Regulatory

This Thanksgiving, ALPA continues to be grateful for the dedication and tireless efforts of the 61,000 member pilots who are working this week to keep an estimated 54.3 million passengers safe and secure. Flying remains the safest mode of transportation in the world, and that is because pilots are trained for life to keep flying safe. 


Every November 11, we take a day to remember the service and sacrifice of our veterans and their families in the United States and Canada. It is because of their sacrifice and dedication that we are able to enjoy the safety and security of our freedoms here at home. 

Tags: Canada