Sacramento International Airport (SMF)



ALPA has named Sacramento International Airport as the 2023 Airport of the Year. Sacramento has demonstrated a strong willingness to support flight crews that operate at the airport and seeks out pilot input to ensure that time-critical safety information is made available to crews. Airport leadership understands the positive benefits of having a strong relationship with ALPA and is always willing to meet and discuss topics of concern to pilots.

Last year, when ALPA’s Air Safety Liaisons raised a concern about the lack of a low visibility Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (SMGCS) plan, the airport responded immediately, bringing together stakeholders to form an SMGCS working group to implement the infrastructure and procedures necessary to submit a formalized plan to the FAA for approval. The plan would ensure that the safety of flight crews, passengers, and cargo is held to the highest standard and that flight crews have the lighting, signs, markings, and charting needed to navigate safely on SMF’s airfield in poor weather conditions.

SMF understands that the rapid sharing of pertinent information and the willingness to assist and do the best job for our pilots is key to a safer airport for all users.
