Leadership From the Flight Deck

Categories: Advocacy, International

This week, Canada’s transportation regulatory agency, Transport Canada, launched a social media campaign to raise awareness of the dangers associated with shining a laser at an aircraft. Transport Minister Marc Garneau introduced the “Not a Bright Idea” campaign on Tuesday at a press conference in Toronto

Categories: Safety, Advocacy
Tags: Canada, Lasers

Airline passengers and air cargo shippers must act now to defend fair competition in the U.S. airline industry. U.S. aviation workers need your help to call on the U.S. government to deny Norwegian Air International’s (NAI) application to establish what would be the U.S. airline industry’s first flag-of-convenience business operation. Designed to avoid Norwegian labor, regulatory, and tax laws to give the airline an unfair leg up in competing with U.S. airlines, the model would conflict directly with the U.S.–EU Air Transport Agreement.

Categories: Advocacy

ALPA’s ranks continue to grow stronger by the day. This week, this union’s national leaders ratified a merger with the Frontier Airlines Pilots Association. In a sweeping endorsement of the value of ALPA membership, 93 percent of Frontier pilots cast votes in favor of merging with ALPA, with 93 percent of eligible pilots voting. Beginning on June 1, Frontier Airlines’ more than 1,000 pilots will be represented by our union. 

The Frontier pilots’ vote marks a definite and developing trend—this landslide outcome is the third time in as many years that pilots flying for a major U.S. airline have certified ALPA as their new bargaining representative. In 2014, pilots at JetBlue Airways joined the union. The pilots at Virgin America voted to become ALPA members in 2015.

Categories: Pilot Groups

See more photos on the ALPA Flickr page.

Today, hundreds of aviation workers from across the country gathered in front of the White House to show our unity and strength in opposition to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) recent tentative approval of Norwegian Air International’s (NAI) petition to fly to the United States, a plan which violates our air transport agreement with the European Union. Alongside labor leaders and aviation workers across the industry, more than 300 ALPA pilots and staff participated in the event to urge the White House and the DOT to honor its commitments and stand up for American workers. 

Categories: Advocacy, Events