Leadership From the Flight Deck

This Sunday, March 10th, marks the beginning of daylight savings time (DST). It’s the time of year to set your clocks forward one hour before going to sleep on Saturday (one less hour of sleep!). But take it easy in Arizona, Hawaii, and some parts of Canada—these areas have ditched the practice and follow the same clock year-round.

Categories: Industry, Safety

Around the world, we join the millions coming together on International Women’s Day to celebrate the pioneers who have paved the way for women’s rights and made great strides for women in flight. ALPA’s female pilots, making up 6.6 percent of our pilot population, have made a significant impact on aviation and are vital to the success of the pilot profession.

 But how do we increase the number of women in flight?

Categories: Events

Cupid’s arrow can strike anywhere—even several miles above ground in the cockpit of an airplane. This time last year, we introduced six pilot couples and learned a little bit about their relationships—their communication techniques, things they’ve learned along the way, and how they keep things fresh. Their experiences and advice will always resonate, so check out these relationship tips from professional pilot couples this Valentine’s Day.

For the aviation industry, February 12 serves as an annual reminder of why airline pilots are committed to lifelong training to keep flying safe. This day marks 10 years since the Colgan Air Flight 3407 tragedy, which became a watershed for aviation safety improvements. 


Aviation has come a long way since its birth on the sand dunes of Kitty Hawk. It largely respects ability, skill, and experience above all and is blind to a pilot’s color, gender, or creed. But that wasn’t always the case. Nearly 100 years ago, one woman took an unlikely path to her goal and quietly started the revolution to open the sky to all in the process.
