Capt. Wes Clapper, Vice President–Finance/Treasurer

JetBlue Capt. Wes Clapper serves as ALPA’s vice president–finance/treasurer and oversees the general financial and fiscal administration of the largest airline pilots’ union in the world. He is the first JetBlue pilot to serve as an ALPA national officer.
He ensures the maintenance of adequate funds to meet any outstanding and planned commitments by following the union’s budgeting process—key to the union’s success during the global pandemic downturn, and now, during the industry recovery.
As the steward of ALPA members’ dues, Capt. Clapper is committed to ensuring that ALPA pilot leaders have the resources needed to assist their members. Under his scrupulous leadership, the Association’s finances will continue to provide value to every ALPA pilot.
ALPA’s Board of Directors elected Capt. Clapper on Oct. 19, 2022, and his four-year term began on Jan. 1, 2023. Based in Los Angeles, Calif., he flies the Airbus A320/A321. Most recently, he served as the Group A executive vice president for the Association.
Capt. Clapper joined ALPA in 2006, when he started his airline career at ExpressJet Airlines, a regional carrier that provided lift for Continental Airlines. He brings 15-plus years of ALPA experience to the role, having held various leadership positions at JetBlue, including an active role in organizing JetBlue pilots into ALPA in 2014 and serving as a member of the Association’s Strategic Oversight Board.
Capt. Clapper graduated from Central Washington University as a dean’s scholar with a BS in flight technology. He currently resides in Spokane, Wash., with his wife and children.