Release #: PSA 17.01
June 14, 2017

PSA Pilots Vote “No Confidence” in Management, Demand Company Address Major Employment Issues

WASHINGTON, D.C —The pilots of PSA Airlines, represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA), unanimously voted “No Confidence” in the airline's president, citing specific concerns, including:

  • Continuous contract violations by PSA’s Scheduling and Payroll departments;
  • Delays and unwarranted denials of Family and Medical Leave Act requests;
  • Routine health insurance claim denials by the airline's health insurers;
  • Continued obstruction of the grievance process used to resolve workplace disagreements, and;
  • Increased management turnover

“The pilots are fed up with empty promises from PSA's president as he claims a willingness to work with our union yet repeatedly permits violations of our contract and refuses to engage in meaningful resolution of our disputes,” said Capt. Travis Ricks, the PSA pilots’ MEC chairman. “We want to work with our management team through an expedited process to resolve these problems, but the lack of commitment and follow-through makes us question senior management's veracity.”

Labor relations were on a positive trajectory, but that has waned with the abrupt resignations of PSA's Director of Operations and Vice President of Operations.  Pilots believe these resignations are emblematic of the low morale that extends to all employees. The MEC unanimously passed a resolution of “no confidence” last Thursday in Dion Flannery’s leadership at the airline. "It is our belief that many of the problems are a direct result of Mr. Flannery's style, which will not allow the airline to properly perform and grow," said Captain Ricks.  “Mr. Flannery has clearly lost sight of what is important (and by far the best recruiting tool) —the morale and well-being of the employees who make the operation successful day in and day out,” added Capt. Ricks.

Founded in 1931, ALPA is the largest airline pilot union in the world and represents over 57,000 pilots at 33 U.S. and Canadian airlines. Visit the ALPA website at or follow us on Twitter @WeAreALPA.


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