How Your Great Idea Can Become ALPA Policy

ALPA is run from the bottom up. Individual pilots drive everything via their elected representatives, who make up their local executive councils (LEC) and master executive councils (MEC), who then comprise the Executive Board (MEC chairs) and the Association’s Board of Directors (status reps). The Board of Directors votes for executive vice presidents every two years and national officers and ALPA Canada president every four years. These individuals make up the Executive Council. Your vote for your elected representative starts this entire chain.
Your ideas can become ALPA policy by going through a similar chain of events. Many of ALPA’s current policies and procedures were first suggested by a member at the local level who had a great idea. Will yours be the next one?
STEP 1: The Idea
Do you have an idea about something ALPA should be doing? Should be doing differently? Share it by following Step 2.
STEP 2: Local Council Meeting
Propose a resolution at your local council meeting (or your MEC if in a single-council pilot group; skip to Step 3 if that’s the case). Check with your local officers for any needed assistance.
The resolution will then be discussed and debated. Other pilots may suggest amendments to the resolution, with the final version coming to a vote.
STEP 3: MEC Meeting
Congratulations, your resolution passed the LEC vote! Now it’s on to the MEC. Similar to LEC meetings, your resolution is once again proposed, discussed, debated, and potentially amended before being voted on by your status reps.
STEP 4: What Comes Next?
Your resolution has been passed by your MEC. What comes next? That depends on the topic of the resolution.
- Resolutions pertaining to fiduciary or policy interpretations go to the Executive Council.
- Policy changes are brought to ALPA’s Executive Council for a recommendation and then on to the Executive Board for consideration.
- Any suggested changes to ALPA’s Constitution & By-Laws must be voted on by the Board of Directors and are usually presented to the Executive Council and Executive Board first for a recommendation. Resolutions are studied in-depth by a relevant committee, which will make a recommendation to the full body.
If your resolution passes once more, your great idea has become ALPA policy.
ALPA’s structure is purposefully designed to be pilot driven, giving every member an opportunity to participate in the Association’s decision-making and direction. Every voice in ALPA counts, from the newest member all the way up to the Association’s president.