Remembering 9/11 and Honoring Those Who Died ‘Through Our Work, Our Remembrances, and Our Resolve’

By Kevin Cuddihy, Contributing Writer
Capt. Jason Ambrosi, ALPA’s president, center, addresses those gathered for the Association’s 9/11 remembrance ceremony as other ALPA leaders look on.

On Wednesday, September 11, nearly 500 ALPA pilots and staff, flight attendants, and community members gathered at the union’s Remembrance Garden in McLean, Va., to honor the crewmembers of American Flight 11, American Flight 77, United Flight 93, and United Flight 175 on the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

“Our tradition here in ALPA’s Remembrance Garden—and in so many hallowed sites across our nation—allows us to honor the lives lost and the sacrifices made to help others and pass this moment on from generation to generation,” said Capt. Jason Ambrosi, ALPA’s president, during the annual remembrance ceremony. “By coming together to remember the pain inflicted by these attacks, we reinforce our resolve to prevent anything like it from ever happening again and rededicate ourselves to never forgetting.

“Through our work, our remembrances, and our resolve,” he promised, “we honor all those who died.” This was especially apparent this year, as hundreds of ALPA pilot volunteers attending the Association’s Air Safety Forum in Washington, D.C., paused their work and boarded 10 early morning buses to attend the ceremony.

2024 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony

Capt. Anne Worster (United), her pilot group’s Master Executive Council chair, and Capt. Tim Perry, ALPA Canada president, also spoke during the gathering.

“This ceremony is a testament to the enduring spirit of our profession and the strength of our union,” Worster remarked. “We come together not just to mourn, but to reaffirm our commitment to never forget the sacrifices made by our colleagues, friends, and families.”

Perry noted the first responders, military personnel, and everyday citizens who responded in the aftermath of the attack, including many in Canada who supported grounded passengers. He highlighted the continuing sacrifices born that day, stating, “As we pay our respects to those who fell, we also recognize the sacrifices made by the heroes and family members left behind. We admire their bravery as they live each day of their lives in the new world that was left behind for us all.”

As the names of the crewmembers and other employees on board the four 9/11 flights were read, Capt. Wendy Morse, ALPA’s first vice president and national safety coordinator, tolled a bell for each. Capt. Sean Creed, ALPA’s vice president–administration/secretary, and Capt. Wes Clapper, ALPA’s vice president–finance/treasurer, together placed a wreath in their collective honor as “Amazing Grace” played.

Ambrosi remarked that, like many in attendance, he remembered the attacks 23 years ago “like it was yesterday,” and reminded attendees of why we must never forget. “As we welcome new generations into our ranks, it becomes more and more important that we embrace those moments to remind ourselves and those who didn’t experience it just how important our commitment to aviation safety and security is to restore our industry,” he said.

Worster spoke directly to those new generations. “I implore you to never forget the significance of 9/11,” she said. “It’s more than a historic event; it’s a testament to the spirit of our profession. The pilots, flight attendants, and passengers who lost their lives aren’t just names etched in stone; they’re the embodiment of bravery and dedication to duty.

“As we remember the past, we also look to the future,” she concluded. “The legacy of 9/11 isn’t one of fear, but of perseverance and unity. It’s our duty to carry forward the lessons learned and to honor the memory of those we lost.” 

In Memoriam: Sept. 11, 2001

United Flight 93

Capt. Jason Dahl
F/O LeRoy Homer, Jr.
Flight Attendant Lorraine Bay
Flight Attendant Sandra Bradshaw
Flight Attendant Wanda Green
Flight Attendant CeeCee Lyles
Flight Attendant Deborah Welsh

United Flight 175

Capt. Victor Saracini
F/O Michael Horrocks
Flight Attendant Robert Fangman
Flight Attendant Amy Jarret
Flight Attendant Amy King
Flight Attendant Kathryn Laborie
Flight Attendant Alfred Marchand
Flight Attendant Michael Tarrou
Flight Attendant Alicia Titus
Customer Service Agent Marianne MacFarlane
Customer Service Agent Jesus Sanchez

American Flight 11

Capt. John Ogonowski
F/O Thomas McGuiness
Flight Attendant Barbara Arestegui
Flight Attendant Jeffrey Collman
Flight Attendant Sara Low
Flight Attendant Karen Martin
Flight Attendant Kathleen Nicosia
Flight Attendant Betty Ong
Flight Attendant Jean Roger
Flight Attendant Dianne Snyder
Flight Attendant Madeline “Amy” Sweeney

American Flight 77

Capt. Charles Burlingame
F/O David Charlebois
Flight Attendant Michele Heidenberger
Flight Attendant Jennifer Lewis
Flight Attendant Kenneth Lewis
Flight Attendant Renee May

Watch the 9/11 remembrance ceremony held at ALPA’s McLean, Va., offices and see additional photos.

This article was originally published in the October 2024 issue of Air Line Pilot.

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