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ALPA Canada

ALPA Canada is the segment of the Air Line Pilots Association that manages all things Canadian, representing the interests of thousands of professional pilots who operate a diverse range of aircraft in all sorts of conditions across Canada, as well as internationally.

ALPA Canada’s three officers include the president, vice president/IFALPA director, and vice president–administration and finance. These officers are responsible for carrying out the policies and directives of the ALPA Canada Board, acting on ALPA International positions with Canadian institutions, and developing specific positions on matters of national interest to Canadian pilots. Learn more about the officers who represent the Association’s Canadian members.


  • Insurance for Canadian Members

    ALPA offers its members in Canada multiple benefit plans for purchase, including basic life, group life, auto & home, critical illness, and more. These plans are administered by the ALPA Canada Insurance Trust, which is a committee of the Canada Board.


  • Charting a Flight Path for the Future of Canadian Aviation

    ALPA's white paper outlines how to secure the future of Canadian aviation by prioritizing safety, reliability, and affordability that travellers and workers deserve. It’s time to prioritize the people who keep our skies safe and invest in a future-ready aviation sector built on a well-staffed, well-trained, and well-rested workforce.


  • Flight-Time/Duty-Time Calculator

    The FTDT Calculator allows you to quickly and easily calculate your rest period, maximum duty time, and maximum flight time based on the new regulations. Simply input the necessary information and the calculator will automatically help you keep track of the number of hours you’ve been flying and on duty.

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RAPCAN is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to maintain and continue the close friendships and associations of its members. They assist members and their spouses in times of need, to promote their general welfare and to assist the transition of active pilots into retirement.