Family Assistance Working Group

The Family Assistance Working Group (FAWG) focuses on:

  1. fostering a workplace culture that allows for family work-life balance,
  2. recommending policy language for companies to provide paid family leaves and support programs, and
  3. advocating for increased company awareness of the critical role families have in their employees’ lives to improve pilot recruitment and retention.

Every ALPA member has a family, and what this family looks like varies between members. The need for equitable policies and support remains constant for all, and the FAWG is working to provide resources for our members to take care of themselves and their families.

Find your pilot group's family committee:

Highlights and Stories

Celebrate National Children’s Day with ALPA Families  June 5, 2024

ALPA Pilot Shares Foster Parent Experience  May 6, 2024

ALPA Pilots Commemorate World Down Syndrome Day  march 19, 2024


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