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Pilot Assistance

Pilot Assistance Awareness

Our Mission 

Welcome to our Pilot Assistance Committees’ webpage. The Master Executive Council’s goal is to help pilots and families navigate these difficult times. The pandemic has caused a great amount of stress—at home with families, financially, and with our careers in question. We want you to know you are not alone. Pilot Assistance Committees provide confidential guidance and assistance to pilots and their families. Below are the resources available through ALPA.

Remember - Call ALPA First! 1-866-424-2572

Committee Descriptions

Pilot Peer Support (PPS): Call PPS (309-777-ALPA or 309-777-2572) if you are experiencing stress, financial issues, or facing a personal or professional problem of any sort, 24/7. You will be connected with a trained pilot volunteer who will listen and offer confidential, nonjudgmental support or connect you with one of the more specialized committees below.

Human Intervention and Motivation Study (HIMS): Pilots, like members of any other profession, may become affected by substance abuse or alcoholism. HIMS is an occupational substance abuse program designed to get pilots the recovery help they need and safely return them to the flight deck. This program has been in existence for decades and has a long and successful track record of protecting the careers of pilots while recovering.

Aeromedical Committee: The Aeromedical Committee is a great source of information on all matters regarding airline pilots’ occupational health. This committee helps pilots deal with the FAA and company medical requirements and standards for flying, and coordinates with ALPA’s Aeromedical Office to assist pilots with any aeromedical issues.

Professional Standards: Sometimes, the stresses we experience from everyday life or COVID-19 might spill over into our interactions with our fellow crewmembers. The Professional Standards Committee’s purpose is to protect and enhance the careers of ALPA pilots. If you experience conflict in the flight deck or other workplace environment that CRM tools were unable to resolve, a Professional Standards volunteer can help resolve the situation confidentially. Call 360-776-7826 (360-PRO-STAN). All Calls are confidential.

Critical Incident Response Program: The human body reacts differently following traumatic events than it does with normal day-to-day stress levels. When pilots experience extreme adrenaline-rush events in the flight deck, unique stress reactions may occur where the individual’s normal coping mechanisms become overwhelmed. These are normal responses of normal individuals to abnormal circumstances, and their effects can be lasting. Critical Incident Response Program Committee volunteers are trained to confidentially debrief crews who have experienced an unusually stressful event while at work so that it does not negatively impact the pilot’s career or life.

DEBI: The Diversity, Equity, Belonging, and Inclusion (DEBI) Committee works to foster and embrace a safe and inclusive atmosphere, ensuring that Alaska pilots—irrespective of race, gender, religion, nation origin, sexual orientation, or other diversity traits—have equal opportunities to develop and thrive as aviation professionals. DEBI focuses on four key areas: awareness, policy review and recommendation, outreach, and membership assistance.

Family Planning and Support: The Family Planning and Support Committee helps pilots navigate the leave process when welcoming a new child into their home or caring for an ill family member. 



Pilot Peer Support Program

ALPA’s Pilot Peer Support program is now taking calls to help all ALPA members deal with any stress you may be experiencing, work-related or not. All calls are confidential. Learn more.


HIMS - Return to Flight