Call Up Every Asset to Secure Our Skies

Throughout the FAMS history, ALPA members have been deeply impressed by the professionalism of the individual air marshals and the dedication of the program’s leaders. Every day, air marshals put their lives at risk to safeguard the passengers and crewmembers on their flights. For that, ALPA and its members are and will always be extremely grateful.

In addition, I highlighted to members of Congress that the Federal Flight Deck Officer (FFDO) program also serves as another critical layer of protection. In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, ALPA conceived of and advocated for the FFDO program. FFDOs are airline pilots who voluntarily undergo thorough screening and training by the Transportation Security Administration. Once qualified, these individuals are then deputized before assuming responsibility for protecting the cockpit.

While testifying before the subcommittee, I also expressed ALPA’s long-held support for installing secondary cockpit barriers on passenger airliners to protect the cockpit during times when the hardened door must be opened to allow pilots to receive meals or for other reasons. Installing secondary cockpit barriers on passenger airliners would be an important security enhancement and an additional layer of security as part of a multi-layered proactive strategy.

ALPA is unrelenting in our commitment to advancing aviation security to protect our passengers, our cargo, and our flight crews.

Categories: Safety, Testimony