Emirates’ New Athens-Newark Flights Fueled by UAE Gov’t Subsidies


Emirates Airline’s announcement that it plans to operate daily flights from Newark to Dubai through Athens beginning March 12 is yet another example of the airline’s skyrocketing growth—growth made possible only by massive subsidies it receives from the United Arab Emirates government.

"These enormous subsidies put U.S. airlines at a tremendous economic disadvantage and threaten U.S. airline workers’ jobs––and fly in the face of the Trump administration’s ‘America First’ governing philosophy," ALPA underscored in The Street story, "Note to Trump: If You Back U.S. Labor, Then Block Emirates’ Athens-Newark Flight."

Our union urges the U.S. government to ensure that its Open Skies agreements maintain a global business environment that is undistorted by foreign government subsidies. U.S. aviation workers are ready and willing to compete internationally, but the marketplace must be free from foreign government distortion.

ALPA calls on the Trump administration to do what the Obama administration failed to do: stand up for U.S. workers and demand that the United Arab Emirates government end these subsidies.

Learn more.

Categories: Industry, Top News