Leadership From the Flight Deck


On September 23, Women in Aviation International (WAI) chapters around the world held events to celebrate Girls in Aviation Day 2017. ALPA members were enthusiastic about pitching in to help with this important initiative to ignite girls’ enthusiasm for the aviation industry. Through its Education Committee, ALPA coordinated with WAI and provided informational materials to support local efforts. Pilot volunteers also participated in several different events to connect with young girls and inspire them to consider careers as professional airline pilots.

Categories: Industry

ALPA United pilots provide hurricane relief to Puerto Rico.

It’s no surprise that the unfortunate concentration of natural disasters in the past two months has led to a surge in humanitarian efforts by ALPA members. Our pilots are always ready to assist those in desperate need, and they have been out in force in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria.

Categories: Pilot Groups
Tags: United

With the legislative clock ticking and time running out, Washington, D.C., special interests like the Regional Airline Association are in overdrive trying to persuade Congress to put profits ahead of safety in the FAA reauthorization. Unfortunately for airline passengers, these lobbying efforts could threaten the unparalleled record of safety the United States has enjoyed since passage of the Airline Safety and FAA Extension Act of 2010, which improved airline pilot training, qualification, and flight-experience requirements. 

Categories: Advocacy, Safety

Sixteen years ago, our lives and our industry were changed forever. Today, we pause to remember the events of September 11, 2001, and to honor the brave men and women who heroically made the ultimate sacrifice. 

Categories: Industry