Leadership From the Flight Deck

Every day, ALPA pilots fly nearly two million people around the globe, keeping passengers, crew, and cargo safe seven miles above the Earth—that’s because we are #TrainedforLife. Along the way, ALPA pilots can capture some of the most stunning photos. As we celebrate Earth Day this year, take a moment to enjoy some of our favorite (and most breathtaking!) photos, as seen from the skies.

Categories: Industry

Warm weather is here or on the horizon, and spring-break travelers are getting ready to fly to destinations around the world. Airlines for America is predicting a record-breaking number of passengers to fly on U.S. aircraft—nearly 158.2 million, a 4.3 percent increase over last year. Thanks in no small part to airline pilots (we’re #TrainedforLife), flying on carriers based in the United States and Canada has never been safer. But we can all do our part as passengers and shippers to keep flying safe: Did you #PackSafe and #ChecktheBox?

Categories: Industry

Strong unions have led to economic stability for professional airline pilots and other workers across the United States and Canada. This stability and predictability, made possible by collective bargaining agreements, have provided jobs for hardworking Americans and allowed airlines to expand service to new markets and attract new passengers and freight shippers. But workers’ ability to choose union representation is under attack right now due to a proposed rule change by the National Mediation Board (NMB).

Categories: Testimony

To wrap up Women’s History Month, we’re celebrating the accomplishments of a woman who achieved the “impossible” with dignity and professionalism. She was not one for speeches and fame. Rather, she was content to quietly follow her dreams, no matter how high or far they reached.

Categories: Industry

With the 2019 International Women in Aviation Conference behind us, ALPA would like to thank Women in Aviation International and all the conference speakers for putting on such an engaging and inspiring event. It’s always encouraging to gather as we celebrate and reflect upon the many ways in which women have advanced in aviation's past, present, and into the future. 

Categories: Events