ALPA - From the President

August 26, 2019

ALPA pilots:

I want to provide an update with the news of a temporary hold on the implementation of recent Known Crewmember (KCM) program uniform policy changes that were announced over the weekend by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Airlines for America (A4A).

I’m aware that some eligible ALPA members were prematurely turned away from KCM access points since the uniform requirement announcement. We’ve been assured that those actions were in error and are working with the TSA to ensure that the suspension of implementation is promptly and accurately communicated to Transportation Security Officers.

While the implementation delay of the new uniform requirement policy is only temporary, the TSA’s decision provides a key opportunity for collaboration by the regulator, the airlines, and labor to develop additional or alternative measures to mitigate risk to the KCM system pending further TSA review as part of an ongoing audit. Such collaboration has been the hallmark of the KCM program from its inception.

In conversations today with both TSA Administrator David Pekoske and A4A President Nicholas Calio, Association of Flight Attendants-CWA International President Sara Nelson and I emphasized the tremendous contribution to air transportation security made by airline pilots and flight attendants as well as by the KCM program.

In return, Administrator Pekoske asked me to convey to you that the agency’s actions to improve security were not intended to reflect on crewmembers in any way and that crews are essential to aviation security. ALPA recognizes that security threats are constantly shifting, and we’re committed to pursuing the only response that we know will meet the challenge: collaboration among regulators, airlines, and labor.

By working together, we’re confident that all three KCM partners, including ALPA, will create a response that will allow the United States to facilitate eligible crewmembers’ participation in the KCM program while realizing the maximum benefit of the risk-based program for passengers and cargo shippers.

ALPA’s commitment to aviation security and to the KCM program has never been stronger. At the same time, we’ve never been more determined to make access to KCM as secure and convenient as possible for eligible crewmembers. We will keep you updated on future developments.

In unity,

Capt. Joe DePete
ALPA President

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